
Kazuhiro Maeshima
e-mail :
Biological Macromolecules Laboratory, Structural Biology Center, National Institute of Genetics; Department of Genetics, School of Life Science, SOKENDAI (Graduate University for Advanced Studies)

Yata 1111, Mishima, Shizuoka, 411-8540 JAPAN

Academic background:
1992 BS, College of Biological Sciences University of Tsukuba, Japan
1995 MA, Faculty of Medicine Osaka University, Japan
1999 Ph.D., Faculty of Medicine Osaka University, Japan

Professional career:
1999-2004 Postdoc with Prof. Ulrich Laemmli, Depts. of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Geneva, Switzerland
2004-2005 Special Post-doctoral Fellow of RIKEN at Cellular Dynamics Laboratory, RIKEN, Japan
2005-2007 Research Scientist at Cellular Dynamics Laboratory, RIKEN
2007-2009 Senior Research Scientist at Cellular Dynamics Laboratory, RIKEN
2009 - Professor at Biological Macromolecules Laboratory, Structural Biology Center, National Institute of Genetics, Japan
Joint professor at Department of Genetics, School of Life Science, Graduate University for Advanced Studies(Sokendai)

Google Scholar Citations

JCB People & Ideas

Zoom Talk @ Cambridge University Biological Society.

YouTube Lecture@ ICTS in Bangalore, India.


Kayo Hibino
Assistant Professor

Sachiko Tamura

Hiroko Ochi

Minami Katsuhiko
Ph.D. student (Sokendai)

Shiori Iida
Ph.D. student (Sokendai)

Adilgazy Semeigazin
Ph.D. student (Sokendai)

There is a great saying that one should strive to become not better than the opponents, but better than himself today. One should always push forward, improve and strengthen himself, constantly raising the bar, even if he is defending the title for the tenth time. Real winner is the one who can overcome his fears and weaknesses, the one who once and forever believes in his success.

P. S. I selected molecular biology because I understand molecules more than people

Aoi Ohtska
Ph.D. student (Sokendai)

Masaaki Shimazoe
Ph.D. student (Sokendai)

Something between molecules and cells...?

Haruto Ogawa
Ph.D. student (Sokendai)


Kako Nakazato
Ph.D. student (Sokendai)

Jason Hernandez
Ph.D. student (Sokendai)

“It is my firm belief that the best way to fix the world is to fix yourself. Anything else is presumptuous.” -Jordan B Peterson
Now it is my personal belief that the more you work on yourself with your axioms set properly, the more that you end up helping others. In other words, I'm in my self-improvement arc and maybe that should always be the case.
Besides that I'm proud to be a student in Maeshima lab with many hardworking peers. I hope to contribute to the world that has already provided me so much. (Also, I like animals and have a pet cat named Oso which is Spanish for bear.)